Executive Committee


Liu Hongman



Liu Tiedong

Vice Captain (Software Development)

Chua Wei Xuan

Vice Captain (Electrical Engineering)

Matthew Ong

Vice Captain (Mechanical Engineering)

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Elise Lim

Game Strategist

Koh Tze Yee

Business Development


Elizabeth Lee

Comms Director


Wu Qirui

Chief Finance


Jason Huang

Logistics Director


Terrence Fu

Finance Officer

NUS Staff Advisors


Suzanne Koh

Staff Advisor
(Admin & Finance)


Combat Teams



The Aerial Team consists of members from Mechanical Engineering and Computer Engineering. Mechanical team members can expect to develop their mechanical systems design skills as they are tasked with designing and fabricating the Aerial Robot from a scratch while adhering to strict competition rules and regulations. Team members from Computer Engineering will have the opportunity to work with complex electrical systems, computer vision algorithms and robotics system architecture. Currently, the Robomaster 2021 Aerial Team is led by Choo Er Wen and Kung Joon Leon who are Year 4 and Year 3 Mechanical Engineering students respectively.



Hello, this is Dart team. Our team has engineering students from different majors. We are very creative and enthusiastic about robots. We have three sub-teams. They are the Mechanical Team, Control Team and Vision Team. Mechanical team is mainly responsible for Dart development and Launcher design and production. The Control Team is dedicated to developing efficient, sensitive Control systems. Vision Team will focus on developing Vision algorithms to create a pair of bright eyes for robots. We will live up to the expectations of our teammates and advisors and deliver the full force of Dart in the competition.



The Engineer Team for RM2021 is focused on building a robot that is designed with the sole purpose of picking up and moving objects around the competition space. We have a dedicated team comprising of Mukund, Praveen, Wei De, Kae Boon, Yong Ler and Roy, with Sylvain as the advisor for our team. This year’s competition is indeed very interesting, and we are very excited to get started on the Engineer.  



The RM2021 Radar Team aims to build the intelligent "eye" for other fellow robots. This year we have Chen Tong, Qirui and Varun to work on the radar robot. We are looking forward to building up this powerful robot.



The RM2021 Hero Team focuses on building a bot that is designed to be the tank of the entire team with incredible firepower. We have a dedicated team comprised of Matthew, Shaun, Gnanesh, Daniel, Keanne, Wei Ern, Yuheng and Yanfeng. This year’s competition will definitely be challenging, and we are all really pumped to be a part of it!



The RM2021 Sentry Team focuses on building a bot that is designed to the guard the base. It is a fully automotive robot where there is no human control during the competition. We also have talented people from mechanical and electrical aspect which make sentry a complete robot. We have a dedicated team comprising of Tianhang, Alicia, Chen Aang, Andre Wong, Qinhua. This is a challenging year and we are ready for this challenging and interesting competition.



The RM2021 Standard team is focused on building a robot that is designed to be the reliable backbone of the team. Fast and agile, these robots will be covering a variety of roles and responsibilities on the battlefield. The standard team's members hail from different background and skillsets and we are confident we can work together as a unit to bring the team to glory. Our members includes Naaman, Wee Teck, Je Sean, Aritejh, Zhili, Hans, Alvin, Manusha and Silin.